Monday, December 17, 2012

Grinchmas, bringing the wonder back to Christmas time

I'll be the first to admit that I have become anything but "enchanted" by the season this year. The public pushing of plastic toys by and before Halloween has even passed seems to kill the magic that Christmastime should bring.


However as I drove to a Christmas party "with much dismay" to my Grinch-like heart my daughter began to sing in a small voice in the back seat. The tiny voice like a heater slowly began to thaw the ice of my heart. Then we were there, and since I am a shy person at best I tucked my way off in a corner and watched. The children giggled, and wrestled on the floor and piano music was being played in the background. It was there that I realized with my over analyzing adult brain, that the wonderment of Christmas was there in those tiny little souls, and that once you become an adult... well sometimes magic has to be made it doesn't just happen.

Magic is very similar in nature to writing, drawing, and crafting/art of any magnitude when you feel the blah's sneak in you have to counter-act them. With the above mentioned block if you will can be countered by almost anything:

  • Taking a nap
  • Taking a walk
  • Visiting a gallery
  • Talking with other people (some of us like to hobbit away in our holes, but we really do need human interaction)
Christmas time is no different, so when you feel a case of the Bah-Humbugs creeping up make the magic happen:

  • Take a drive and look at Christmas lights
  • Sing a silly Christmas song
  • Make salt dough or felt ornaments
  • **Remember what it was like to be a CHILD at Christmas**
That last one is important! once you remember what Christmas was like as a child, embrace it because that's where the magic is. Always listen to your inner child. If your walking by a snowbank, and your inner child says "Hey, lets make a snow angel!" listen, just do it. Make that snow angel and not care what anyone thinks.

When we were children we didn't care what anyone though of how we sung, or what we drew. Our sole purpose in life was to be happy, and make others that way as well. So my daughter sang in her off key voice, and like a couple of kids ourselves, my husband, daughters, and I chimed in with her and were happy.

No matter what happens where this Christmas season finds you, I ask you to please find the wonderment and magic and become happy.

Spend time with the ones you love and find Peace within your Heart. The magic lives within...

 Rekindle it's flame and burn brightly.


  1. Ahhhhh YES sissy, I DO remember the magic and wonderment of Christmas, and am saddened by the "commercialism" of Christmas-time in the past few years. This was an EXCELLENT post and I agree whole heartedly! With my children grown and attempting life as adults, I really MISS the children they were, for this exact reason. I will ALWAYS be a child at heart, and myself, this year have become happier one beanie and one journal at a time! I've learned to let go a little more than I ever did, and I have learned how to Glow from Within, now at Christmas and throughout the continuing years. I love you my baby sister and I am very proud of you! <3

  2. Okay, Wiping away tears, I'll try to add my two-cents worth. I am so thankful that I have at least three daughters and a couple of older granddaughters that still remember what Christmas is really about! it seems like a lot of people have forgotten what its like to be a child at heart. To whole-heartedly get carred away with all the wonder around us, to ooh and ahhh ove a beautiful sunset and wait and watch until the colors are onlonger there, or to see the beauty in the frost and snow as they sparkle like diamonds as the sun touchs it. To enjoy the wind ruffing your hair, and the sweet smells of baking and spicy pine and wood smoke. Christmas is suppose to be peace and joy and love. Not go to the mall and fight through crowds of milling people trying to grab what ever for who ever just cause its expected. Christmas is and will always be to me, fulol of memories, a handmade giftmade with love and chosen with the reciever in mind. I love you my family and I am so proud of my daughter who is learning all over to be a child at heart. Love always & ever Momma


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